Local Playoff Information and Structure

In Golden Gate APA, playoffs are held at the end of each session to determine what team(s) will represent their division in the Tri-Cup Tournament for a chance at making it to the World Qualifiers, and then World Pool Championships in Las Vegas. The playoff structure varies from division to division based on division size. All divisions have 15 or 16 week sessions and 1 week of playoffs.

# of Teams in Division

1st team advancing

2nd team advancing

3rd team advancing

4th team advancing


1st vs wildcard


1st place directly to Tri-Cup

2nd vs wildcard

3rd vs 4th


1st place directly to Tri-Cup

2nd vs wildcard

3rd vs 6th

4th vs 5th

Divisions with 10 or More Teams (4 teams advance)

In Divisions with 10 or more teams, the first place team will advance directly to the Tri-Cup Tournament. The team that is in second place will play a wildcard to determine the second team advancing, the third place team will play the sixth place team to determine a third team advancing, and finally the fourth place team will play the 5th place team to determine the fourth team advancing to the Tri-Cup Tournament. Four teams will advance to the APA Tri-Cup Tournament from playoffs.

Divisions with 6-9 Teams (3 teams advance)

In Divisions with 6-9 teams, the first place team will advance directly to the Tri-Cup Tournament. The team that is in second place will play a wildcard to determine the second team advancing, and finally the third place will play the fourth place team to determine the third team advancing to the Tri-Cup Tournament. Three teams will advance to the APA Tri-Cup Tournament from playoffs.

Divisions with 4 or 5 Teams (1 team advances)

In Divisions with only 4 or 5 teams, the first place team will play a wildcard, to determine the team advancing to the Tri-Cup Tournament. One team will advance to the APA Tri-Cup from playoffs.

Final Standings, the Wildcard Draw, & Playoffs

The final standings for a division are determined by the League Operator(s) on final week of regular session play to determine which teams in the division make it to playoffs. In addition, the League Operator(s) also do the wildcard draw(s) on the final week of regular session play to determine the final one or two teams, depending on division size, that make it into the division playoffs.  The wildcard draw is done on Facebook Live for all Divisions, so teams can either watch live or rewatch at a later time. It is each team's responsibility to find out on the last week of the regular session if their team made it into the division playoffs.  Full team fees are still due to APA during playoffs.